1 - 📋Dashboard

The dashboard will let you view and manage your servers, you can create support tickets, manage your account, view our recent updates / change log. and more.

Your Services

Here is where you can view your list of services you have. You can view the name, members, due date, category and status

  • Name: The name of your server defaulted to the package name (can be changed)
  • Members: Here is where you can view all members who have access to that service
  • Due Date: When your next payment is due
  • Category: Which type of service it is
  • Status: If you server is
    • Active: Your server is available for use
    • Cancelled: You have cancelled one of your services
    • Terminated: Your service has been deleted due to cancelation, or breaking out TOS

Services, Invoice & Balance

  • Services: How many services you have
  • Invoices: How many paid invoices you have had
  • Balance: How much credit you have. 2 - 💰Balance